Out of State (Foreign) entity registration in Nevada
If your entity (LLC, Corporation etc.) is registered in another state or country, we can register your entity in Nevada as a Foreign entity qualified to do business in Nevada. The filing involves the following 4 steps.
We will prepare and email you the Nevada State ‘QUALIFICATION TO DO BUSINESS IN NEVADA’ form. You will need to fill out the form with the following information:
- The name of the corporation to be registered to do business in Nevada:
If the name is not available to register in Nevada, a separate form will need to be filed – we will send you this form upon name availability check in Nevada.
- Authorized Stock Structure from the Articles of Incorporation filed in your state:
- Total number of authorized stock registered in your state:
- Number of Shares WITH Par Value
- Par Value per share
- Number of shares WITHOUT par value
- Name, title (such as: Secretary) and signature of one officer making the above statement
You will need to obtain a Certificate of Status in Good Standing from your state Department of Corporations or Secretary of State. Nevada requires the Certificate of Status in Good Standing to be obtained within the last 90 days.
You will then need to fax the following 3 documents to us. Instead of sending by fax you can e-mail the scanned document (or mail them by post).
- Completed ‘QUALIFICATION TO DO BUSINESS IN NEVADA’ form that we will send
- Certificate of Status in good Standing issued by your Sec of State
- A copy of the Articles of Incorporation/ Organization filed in your state
- We will email you a link to pay, if you want to make the payment online by a credit card or PayPal.
The above fee includes:
- State of Nevada filing fee:
- Important Note: Nevada Sec of State will charge additional fee if the total value of the corporation is higher than $75,000
- State of Nevada required List of Officers filing fee
- Annual Registered Agent Service fee payable to us (Our annual registered agent fee = $75)
- Your own Las Vegas, Nevada address included in the package (yearly renewal = $139/year)
Upon receipt of the above, we will sign on the form accepting to be the registered agent and file the documents with State of Nevada. The formation confirmation documents will be e-mailed back to you upon receipt from Nevada Sec of State in about 5-7 business days.